Properties lease Považská Bystrica


Two-bedroom apartment, Lease, Považská Bystrica - Lánska (časť Sídlisko Lány)

Lease, two-bedroom apartment, 62 m2

Považská Bystrica, Lánska (časť Sídlisko Lány) 545.00 EUR/month

OTHER OBJECTS, Lease, Považská Bystrica

Lease, other objects

Považská Bystrica 0.00 EUR/month


Lease, business- and services-related buildings, 59 m2

Považská Bystrica 480.00 EUR/month

Stores building, Lease, Považská Bystrica - Partizánska

Lease, stores building, 65 m2

Považská Bystrica, Partizánska

Stores building, Lease, Považská Bystrica - Partizánska

Lease, stores building, 67.4 m2

Považská Bystrica, Partizánska

Stores building, Lease, Považská Bystrica - Partizánska

Lease, stores building, 96.96 m2

Považská Bystrica, Partizánska

Two-bedroom apartment, Lease, Považská Bystrica

Lease, two-bedroom apartment, 1 m2

Považská Bystrica 650.00 EUR

Stores building, Lease, Považská Bystrica - Partizánska

Lease, stores building, 96.96 m2

Považská Bystrica, Partizánska

Stores building, Lease, Považská Bystrica - Partizánska

Lease, stores building, 67.4 m2

Považská Bystrica, Partizánska

Stores building, Lease, Považská Bystrica - Partizánska

Lease, stores building, 65 m2

Považská Bystrica, Partizánska

Stores building, Lease, district Považská Bystrica

Lease, stores building, 50 m2

Považská Bystrica

Stores building, Lease, district Považská Bystrica

Lease, stores building, 50 m2

Považská Bystrica

Production premises, Lease, Považská Bystrica - Považská Bystrica

Lease, production premises, 50 m2

Považská Bystrica, Považská Bystrica

Administrative premises, Lease, Považská Bystrica - Nám. A. Hlinku

Lease, administrative premises, 1 699 m2

Považská Bystrica, Nám. A. Hlinku

Family house, Lease, Považská Bystrica - Hliny

Lease, family house, 55 m2

Považská Bystrica, Hliny 240.00 EUR/month

Obrázok nie je k dispozícii

Lease, family house, 55 m2

Považská Bystrica, Hliny 240.00 EUR/month

Obrázok nie je k dispozícii

Lease, family house, 55 m2

Považská Bystrica, Hliny 240.00 EUR/month

Other habitation and recreation building, Lease, Považská Bystrica - Slovenských partizánov - Hliny

Lease, other habitation and recreation building, 127 m2

Považská Bystrica, Slovenských partizánov

1 2 Ďalšia  
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